COMING SOON: RtB rates the 2024 General Election Candidates
Candidate Surveys - June 25, 2024 Primaries
Restore the Balance
Seven political principles to guide political conduct
We must do more than simply be against extremism. We must act against it whenever we can. We embrace the following set of principles to govern political conduct by candidates and citizens alike.
Political parties, citizens and elected officials should vigorously compete over values, principles and ideas, but must also find common ground to solve problems and pass needed legislation.
Facts, supported by objectively examined evidence, are the basis for what to believe and how to act.
No one person or political party has a monopoly on the best public policy proposals; communication and good faith negotiations are essential to the legislative process.
The public interest must come before party interests, for voters and elected officials alike.
Extremists of all kinds attract supporters and money by appealing to fears and resentments, amplifying divisions instead of truly addressing problems.
Citizens should be free to run for or hold office without being threatened or harassed.
Citizens may certainly exercise their personal freedoms, but they may not ignore their personal responsibilities to the community at large.
Candidate Questionnaire
For U.S. Representative
1. What is your motivation for running for CD3 US Representative, and what are your qualifications to serve?
2. What do you perceive as the top three issues facing CD3 that you propose to address, and how would you address those issues if elected?
3. Do you believe Colorado's current election laws and procedures provide for secure elections and encourage voter participation? Please explain the reasons for your answer.
4. Do you believe that Joe Biden's election in 2020 was legitimate? Please explain the reasons for your answer either way.
5. What is your perspective on the events of January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC?
6. Is there a current policy or piece of legislation that your party has endorsed or supported that you disagree with? If so, how do you intend to address it, if elected?
7. If elected, what actions would you take to help ensure more effective bipartisan communication and collaboration to facilitate better outcomes for CD3 constituents?
8. What are the elements of an immigration policy that would you support?
9. What OTHER important issues facing CD3 do you perceive, and what solutions do you have in mind?
10. Do you endorse each of the seven Restore the Balance principles to guide political conduct in Western Colorado? Please explain the reasons for your answers, either way.
Candidate Questionnaire
Mesa County Commissioner
1. What is your motivation for running for Mesa County Commissioner, and what are your qualifications to serve?
2. What do you perceive as the top three issues facing Mesa County that you propose to address, and how would you address those issues if elected?
3. Do you believe Colorado's current election laws and procedures administered by Mesa County provide for secure elections and encourage voter participation? Please explain the reasons for your answer.
4. If elected, what actions would you take to help ensure more effective intergovernmental communication and collaboration to facilitate better outcomes for Mesa County constituents?
5. Do you feel that any programs or services are neglected or underfunded in the current budget? If so, how do you intended to address those areas, if elected?
6. What, if anything, should the county do to address affordable housing?
7. What, if anything, should the county do to help address homelessness?
8. What, if anything, should the county do to advance community solar projects?
9. What OTHER important issues facing Mesa County do you perceive, and what solutions do you have in mind?
10. Do you endorse each of the seven Restore the Balance principles to guide political conduct in Western Colorado? Please explain the reasons for your answers, either way.