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Biden has turned the race into a prosecutor vs. felon

Blane Colton

Blane Colton

Letter to the Editor

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

July 24, 2024

OK, pop quiz: What do the following people all have in common?

Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, George Popadapoulos, Mike Flynn, Michael Cohen, Alan Weisselberg, Peter Navaro, Steve Bannon, Rick Gates, and several others that I can’t think of at the moment.

Yes, you are right! They are all convicted criminals. And as you probably know, the criminals in the Biden administration add up to zero.

You’ve got to hand it to President Biden; he kicked what’s his name in the 2020 election and is now doing it again in the 2024 election. And he’s not even on the ballot!

MAGA elected officials should take note. President Biden has the gumption to put reality ahead of malarkey and the good of the country above lust for personal power. This is how a real man or a real woman behaves.

The talking heads cleverly pointed out that this presidential election will be a contest between the prosecutor and the criminal. What’s his name might as well just throw in the towel. Besides, he’s too old, corrupt and incompetent to be president.

And it will be super important to give president Harris a non-MAGA Congress so she can get on with the work. We will need a competent representative for District 3 so vote for Adam Frisch. Hurd is a MAGA zombie in lawyer’s clothing.


Grand Junction

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