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Janalee Hogan

Democracy is worth saving

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

Janalee Hogan

Letter to the Editor

The Durango Herald

Friday, Aug 16, 2024

I’m pleased to see that the La Plata County Republican Party acknowledges that the divisions in the party are disruptive to the party. I came to that conclusion in early 2020 and unaffiliated. I can only hope the GOP and others are seeing extremism as the root of that disruption.

Many don’t like the words extremism or extremist. Restore the Balance, a western Colorado organization, believes extremists appeal to fears and resentments amplifying division instead of truly addressing problems. (In full disclosure, I serve on its board and chair the La Plata County Chapter.) Rhizome against Polarization, a European organization, goes further to describe extremism as a political agenda seeking deep transformation at the expense of the “other” groups, seeing “others” as subordinate and therefore focusing on violence. Sadly, at the expense of others.

We have our differences, always will. When we believe I’m right, you’re wrong; I’m smart, you’re stupid; I count, you don’t; we dehumanize each other. We are stronger that this; braver than this; more united than this; more kind than this. I have hope.

Regardless of your affiliation or no affiliation, don’t let radicals latch onto polarization to create extremists. Do not let extremists control a narrative of fear, hate and prejudice causing violence.

Stand up, speak out. It’s good to see that being done on so many fronts. There are several movements/organizations that can help you find your united front and provide tools to unite us on common ground. It’s called democracy. It’s worth saving.

Janalee Hogan


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