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What Price Freedom?

Betsy Longenecker

Betsy Longenecker

RtB Writers Group

October 17, 2024

I never should have been born; that is, if you looked at the odds. In 1944-45, my father completed a 25 mission tour as navigator on a B 17 for the “Bloody 100th” Bomb Group of the US Army Air Corps; the Group had a 77% casualty rate. I am eternally grateful to him and especially to all the veterans who paid the ultimate price, so that I could live in this republic, with the freedoms I enjoy.

Because I live here, I have the freedom to go to school. I can choose where to live and what work to pursue. I have the freedom to disagree with my neighbors, and even my president. I can worship at the church of my choosing or not attend church at all. I can drink the water from the tap, I can hike on public lands. I can choose when to have a child. I can attend public meetings. And I can vote.

If I am critical of a candidate and his views, I have the freedom to write a letter to the newspaper saying so. I can stand out on a street corner and protest. I have the right to turn the channel on the TV, away from one perspective to an alternative.

So, when I hear Trump speak of the retribution he intends to enact upon his political opponents, I fear for my freedoms that I so often take for granted. He has spoken of using the military to go after his perceived “enemies”. His definition of “enemies” is: anyone who doesn’t agree with him and exercises their freedom to say so. When he speaks of retribution against members of the press and media outlets, he is coming after my freedom of inquiry, and ultimately, through intimidation, my freedom of speech.

When I hear people talk of the economy being the major determinative issue for their vote, I hear them expressing real concern about financial pressures that they face every day. And often, they think that Trump will magically bring back $2.50 /gallon gas and $2.00/dozen eggs. He will fix the housing shortage with the wave of his hand and prices will fall. Because he is a successful businessman. (Donald Trump is a successful businessman in the same way that Jack the Ripper was a skilled surgeon). And a Harris administration will have limited power to fix the price of eggs as well.

Folks have every reason to want America to keep being great, with all the freedoms they treasure. Just don’t confuse that with cheap gas and the price of eggs. Because change is inevitable, we must hold on tight to our priceless freedoms.

We have always faced challenges; ask any veteran. Ask how much you are willing to pay for the freedoms you enjoy. And remember that some Americans have already paid part of your bill with their service.

Betsy Longenecker


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