We are Republicans, Democrats, and those unaffiliated with a party. We are conservatives, moderates, and liberals. Many of us have long been active in politics while some of us have been uninvolved - until now. But today, we agree that we must speak out about the serious threat facing us.
Political extremism is that threat. It has fueled hatred, promoted false conspiracy theories and lies, and turned families, friends and neighbors against each other. It must stop if democracy is to survive.
We are not against principled partisanship from any political party or interest group. We are against extremism, whether from the left or right, which keeps us from productive cooperation.
Yes, this is political, but it is not only about politics, it is about how we treat each other. Call it civility, respect or plain good manners, democracy cannot survive unless we all work together. Silence and apathy only embolden extremists. Recent history has shown that extremism will not go away just by hoping it will. We can and must do more.
While extremism is an issue affecting the entire country, our best chance of influencing change is by focusing at the local level. As more of us become involved, we can rebuild politics to benefit every citizen. It is possible to return to a sane and functional government.
We must do more than simply be against extremism. We must act against it whenever we can. We embrace the following set of principles to govern political conduct by candidates and citizens alike. WE BELIEVE THAT:
Political parties, citizens and elected officials should vigorously compete over values, principles and ideas, but must also find common ground to solve problems and pass needed legislation.
Facts, supported by objectively examined evidence, are the basis for what to believe and how to act.
No one person or political party has a monopoly on the best public policy proposals; communication and good faith negotiations are essential to the legislative process.
The public interest must come before party interests, for voters and elected officials alike.
Extremists of all kinds attract supporters and money by appealing to fears and resentments, amplifying divisions instead of truly addressing problems.
Citizens should be free to run for or hold office without being threatened or harassed.
Citizens may certainly exercise their personal freedoms, but they may not ignore their personal responsibilities to the community at large.
We, the undersigned, endorse these beliefs and pledge:
To support candidates who best embody these beliefs – regardless of political party.
To urge family and friends to oppose political extremism as if the well-being of the nation depends on it.
To speak up and speak out publicly, with friends over coffee or more publicly in media.
To get involved, vote and volunteer.